Navigate 3 - Course Creation within LMS
Explore: After selecting and downloading a trial LMS, create a course shell and make note of the various tools available.
Create: Then, select content to upload to the course shell. To assist with this process, please refer to the content material delineated below.
The content is titled Introduction to Digital Citizenship. The content is packaged as a chapter or unit of an overall course. To preview the material, please click here. The content is titled Introduction to Digital Citizenship. The zipped package that was previewed is provided as a download by clicking here. Use this content to load into the course shell that you created. Make notes of the steps you followed to do this.
Answer: While the content loads, note the steps completed to fully load the package and make it viewable. What were those steps? Is it important to follow these steps? Write a description of the experience in your blog.
It is very important to follow the steps for each part of this process. Here is a description of my experience downloading Canvas and the GA course.
1- Download Introduction to Digital Citizenship.
2- Sign up and register for Canvas. Then download. Downloading the material was easy.
3- In Canvas, click on courses then add course. Name the course and select make course publicly available.
4- Import Content and upload material from "Introduction to Digital Citizenship". Select content, unzip file from zip, browse computer hard drive, select folder to upload to, select course files then click on import. This was very user-friendly. Canvas prompted me for each step and let me know what to do.
There are various ways to invite students to join the course. One way is by sending a link via ea mail. Students can manually join that way. A second way is self-enrollment via a join code. Lastly students can self-enroll via a secret URL.
1- Download Introduction to Digital Citizenship.
2- Sign up and register for Canvas. Then download. Downloading the material was easy.
3- In Canvas, click on courses then add course. Name the course and select make course publicly available.
4- Import Content and upload material from "Introduction to Digital Citizenship". Select content, unzip file from zip, browse computer hard drive, select folder to upload to, select course files then click on import. This was very user-friendly. Canvas prompted me for each step and let me know what to do.
There are various ways to invite students to join the course. One way is by sending a link via ea mail. Students can manually join that way. A second way is self-enrollment via a join code. Lastly students can self-enroll via a secret URL.
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