Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Evaluate Reflection

Evaluate Reflection

Consider the following standards:

Answer in a complete paragraph response: How has the Evaluate module prepared you to meet each standard listed above? Link to or provide specific examples from your work in Evaluate. What strategies will you take away from the Evaluate module and apply to your teaching?  What lessons were most beneficial for you?

Standard D: The lesson on Quality Feedback was the most beneficial for me. I liked the examples of personalized feedback. I learned that it is important to provide meaningful authentic feedback which helps students meet expectations.
Standard H: The lesson on Formative Assessments was helpful by providing examples of ways to create meaningful and engaging assessments. There were many resources included in this lesson that I will use in the future. The link with 50 digital assessments included Kahoot and Socrative. I liked the user-friendliness of these sites. Additionally these had the option to download data. Based on the results I would be able to re-teach or provide remediation for individual students. 
Standard G: The lesson on Rubrics and Competencies gave valuable insight into how to evaluate assessments. In the future I will make sure that assessments are valid by including distractors in multiple choice questions. I will also ensure the safety of the assessment by allowing only one attempt and a limited time. Additionally I will show one question per page and not permit students to go back to previous questions.
Standard I: The lesson on Data Driven Instruction and analytics gave great suggestions on how to analyze data. Based on the results of assessments, teachers can create new lessons and remediate. I also learned how to analyze results from summative assessments. This was helpful in determining which questions to keep or discard from future quizzes or test. 

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