Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Evaluate Reflection

Evaluate Reflection

Consider the following standards:

Answer in a complete paragraph response: How has the Evaluate module prepared you to meet each standard listed above? Link to or provide specific examples from your work in Evaluate. What strategies will you take away from the Evaluate module and apply to your teaching?  What lessons were most beneficial for you?

Standard D: The lesson on Quality Feedback was the most beneficial for me. I liked the examples of personalized feedback. I learned that it is important to provide meaningful authentic feedback which helps students meet expectations.
Standard H: The lesson on Formative Assessments was helpful by providing examples of ways to create meaningful and engaging assessments. There were many resources included in this lesson that I will use in the future. The link with 50 digital assessments included Kahoot and Socrative. I liked the user-friendliness of these sites. Additionally these had the option to download data. Based on the results I would be able to re-teach or provide remediation for individual students. 
Standard G: The lesson on Rubrics and Competencies gave valuable insight into how to evaluate assessments. In the future I will make sure that assessments are valid by including distractors in multiple choice questions. I will also ensure the safety of the assessment by allowing only one attempt and a limited time. Additionally I will show one question per page and not permit students to go back to previous questions.
Standard I: The lesson on Data Driven Instruction and analytics gave great suggestions on how to analyze data. Based on the results of assessments, teachers can create new lessons and remediate. I also learned how to analyze results from summative assessments. This was helpful in determining which questions to keep or discard from future quizzes or test. 

Evaluate 3 - Self Reflection

Evaluate 3 - Self Reflection
Next: Include the following in your blog
Artifact: Submit evidence of reflection on your individual teaching abilities. Include artifacts, evaluation feedback, your own reflections, e-portfolio links, professional growth plans and anything else that showcases introspection into strengths and weaknesses as an online educator and document all in your individual blog.
One of my strengths as an online teacher is providing personalized and relevant feedback. The information is based on individual student results. If needed resources are provided for remediation. Suggestions on how to improve on future assignments are also provided. Additionally announcements are posted promptly on a weekly basis. The online links are accurate and meaningful. Resources posted are engaging and relevant. Another strength is that I respond in a timely manner to student or stakeholder questions. This helps students complete work. 
One area in which I struggle is t he Communication Journal. Because there is no direct link from the course to the journal or from email to the journal, updating it is a time-consuming endeavor. At times it is challenging to get students to respond. An option I have tried is Remind. Students are more likely to respond if they can use their cell phones. Another option I want to explore is using Google Forms embedded in the announcements. Students can easily respond then they read the announcement. 

Evaluate 3 - Personalized Teaching and Learning

Evaluate 3 - Personalized Teaching and Learning
Next: Include the following in your blog
Artifact: Provide sample data from student results for a course within your field. The data can be entirely theoretical and written out in text form.
Create: Examine your sample student performance data. Create an action plan that you would implement in your classroom to personalize teaching and learning.  Provide both a class and individual approach in your plan.
Answer:  How could the data be referenced to identify the needs of each student? How could the settings of the LMS be used to create personalized learning paths? How would this data change your teaching plan? How could it help with remediation or enrichment, etc.?
The data could be analyzed to determine the needs of each student. If the student is struggling, the teacher can find areas in which the student needs extra remediation. Teachers can analyze the data to find students who have met expectations. Then they can provide enrichment activities on an individual basis. Student data can be analyzed on an individual basis to determine the needs of each student. Teachers can create personalized learning paths based on this data. After analyzing the data of the class as a whole, I would reteach or create new resources based on the results. 

Evaluate 2 - Competencies

Evaluate 2 - Competencies
Next: Include the following in your blog
Create: For this section, set up a competency structure using standards for one unit of your sample course. Associate the assignments in that unit with the competency.
Artifact: Submit both a screenshot of the structure and a detailed explanation of why you created the structure that way. Include a discussion of the various pathways a student may go through to attain the competencies in the unit and document all in your blog.
Competencies are used to determine student mastery. Successful ones allow students to see what they will be learning and how to reach that goal. Flexibility and individualization are important. Students will be prepared to successfully complete a competency by completing learning objectives. After that they will have the necessary knowledge to complete the competency. Rubrics should be well planned and written in order to measure student performance.

Create an online presentation of your daily routine using reflexive verbs in the present tense with expressions of time. Include grooming articles.
ASSIGNMENTS IN UNIT: Learning Objectives: Practice activities to review how to use and conjugate reflexive verbs in the present tense, conjugating ĂȘtre, and grooming articles.

Evaluate 2 - Data Driven Instruction & Analysis

Evaluate 2 - Data Driven Instruction & Analysis
Next: Include the following in your blog
Reflect: Review the artifacts above on student enrollments and student progress in the course.

Answer: How might the teacher adjust the course in the future based on the previous activity of these students? What uses does data have for online instruction? What advantages do teachers who utilize data have over those that do not?
For online classes, data is an integral part of the success of the course. Because teachers do not meet "face-to-face" with students to read facial clues or manually check for understanding, teachers must rely on data. An advantage to utilizing data is the opportunity to reteach certain concepts as well as provide additional resources. Those teachers who do not use data are not able to help students meet expectations. The mistakes in the course will be repeated from course to course if teachers do not analyze the data. Based on the previous activity of the students, a teacher can revise an entire assessment or specific questions from the assessment. This is essential. Data driven instruction is in integral part of online courses. Teachers must be willing to adjust the content or assessments to ensure student success. By looking at when students access content, teachers can determine if students are making steady progress or cramming at the last minute. Additionally, using a communication journal is one way that teachers can evaluate student success. By contacting all stakeholders teachers can provide suggestions and feedback. 

Evaluate 1 - Summative Assessments

Evaluate 1 - Summative Assessments
Next: Include the following in your blog
Artifact: Showcase an assessment created and include what method was used to assess the validity, reliability, and security.

Answer: What process was used to determine the validity, reliability, and security of the assessment? What was the result?
Teachers must interpret data and adjust the assessment as needed. Students should be assessed on what they learned. The assessment must be valid. For example, multiple choice assessments (quizzes and tests) must have a distractor in the answer choices.  To measure reliability teachers can look at the analytics of the assessment. For example, a quiz grade must correlate to the overall grade in the course. If there is a question that does not correlate, then teachers must revise or remove the question. The security of the assessment can be determined based on time limit for tests, display one question per page, do not allow students to go back to previous questions, do not show correct answers, and only allow students one attempt.


Evaluate 1 - Quality Feedback

Evaluate 1 - Quality Feedback
Create: In your blog, provide or create a student work sample and accompanying feedback that showcases some of the expectations listed below and offers a sound example of quality, authentic feedback. In particular, your feedback should demonstrate the bulleted items below.Instructor clearly strives to assist all students in meeting and exceeding expectations and considers feedback as the cornerstone of that success. 

Artifact: Provide a student work sample and accompanying feedback.

Answer: Why is it important for an instructor to consider student performance data when providing feedback?  How can feedback be both observational and instructional?
ANSWER: It is important for teachers to consider student performance in order to track progress. The feedback can provide encouragement for objectives met as well as suggestions on how to improve. Teachers can include web 2.0 tools to help students practice in a real-world setting. Customized feedback is provided that is not only encouraging but informative and individualized. Using the student's name in the feedback makes it personalized. 
WORK SAMPLE: Students will write 10 sentences using reflexive verbs (5 present tense and 5 past tense). Je me rĂ©veille Ă  6h00. Je me lĂšve Ă  6h10. Je me lave la figure. Je me brosse les dents. Je me peigne les cheveux. Hier, je me suis rĂ©veillĂ© Ă  6h00. Hier, je me suis levĂ©e Ă  6h02. Je me suis lavĂ©e la figure. Je m'ai brossĂ© les dents. Je me suis peignĂ©e les cheveux. 
ACCOMPANYING FEEDBACK: Superbe! It is important to be able to express yourself using reflexive verbs in the past and present. Use the corresponding pronouns with each subject. In the passĂ© composĂ© use ĂȘtre as the helping verb. Ex. Je m'ai brossĂ© (use ĂȘtre as the helping verb, je me suis brossĂ©e). Remember to use an extra "e" on the end of the past participles for feminine :) Ex. je me suis rĂ©veillĂ© (use an extra "e", rĂ©veillĂ©e)  Bonne continuation! Here is a resource to help you:  

Evaluate 1 - Formative Assessments

Evaluate 1 - Formative Assessments
Next: Include the following in your blog
Reflect: Consider the best means of developing and delivering assessments, projects, and assignments that meet standards-based learning goals and assess learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals.
Answer: How might a teacher employ ways to formatively assess student readiness for course content and method of delivery?

Artifact: To demonstrate this, create a formative assessment related to a learning standard. Post a link to the assessment or activity in your blog. Explain.
One of my favorite classroom formative assessment tools is This is a quiz that students can take using a phone or device. Students start by logging in and entering their name. During the quiz students receive immediate feedback. This is very helpful for them and the method of delivery is fun and engaging. As a teacher, I can monitor individual progress as well as whole class progress. I can tailor future instruction by looking at the data from the results of the quiz. This is very useful for "forming" my instruction. Here is a link to a game I created:

Create Reflection

Create Reflection
  • Standard B: The online teacher understands and is able to use a range of technologies, both existing and emerging, that effectively support student learning and engagement in the online environment.
  • Standard C: The online teacher plans, designs, and incorporates strategies to encourage active learning, application, interaction, participation, and collaboration in the online environment.
  • Standard E: The online teacher models, guides, and encourages legal, ethical, and safe behavior related to technology use.
  • Standard K: The online teacher arranges media and content to help students and teachers transfer knowledge most effectively in the online environment.

Answer in a complete paragraph response: How has the Create module prepared you to meet each standard listed above? Link to or provide specific examples from your work in Create. What strategies will you take away from the Create module and apply to your teaching?  What lessons were most beneficial for you?

Standard B: The lesson on Building Portable Learning Objects was beneficial in giving examples on how to arrange content to help students learn online. One of the tools I was very impressed with was This website had a multitude of resources for teachers. The content was creative and engaging for students.
Standard K: The lesson on Aggregating Lesson Material provided examples of creating and arranging content to help students learn. Two sources I liked were SoftChalk and iSpring. The format was engaging and user-friendly for both teachers and students. 
Standard C: The lesson Introduction to Web Tools provided excellent resources for planning and designing engaging content for students. I really like Prezi and Padlet. Prezi is useful for presenting content. Padlet is useful for online collaboration between students. It can be used in a discussion format. This lesson was the most beneficial to me due to the wealth of resources provided.
Standard E: The lesson on Open Educational Resources was useful for providing examples of technologies that support student learning. Students can use a google search and include the words Creative Commons to find resources that they are able to use.

Create 4 - Aggregating Lesson Material

Create 4 - Aggregating Lesson Material

Next include the following in your blog:

Research: As discussed throughout the quest, collecting or curating learning objects, resources, and learning material enriches the e-learning environment. Research and identify two tools that can be used to aggregate and present learning material, other than the two mentioned in the lesson. Link to the two tools in your blog.
Answer: Thinking about instructional design, how does each tool benefit the learner by aggregating and presenting material in a cohesive manner? Are there drawbacks to the tools you researched?
1. Articulate Studio: This tool has premade and ready to use templates. These can be edited as well. This is useful for online quizzes. Power points can be turned into learning applications. One drawback is the expensive cost of this product. 
2. iSpring: This tool is useful for creating online screencasts. These can be uploaded to YouTube. This software is free. It is versatile because there are also quiz makers and power point presentation convertors. 

Create 4 - Build Portable Learning Objects

Create 4 - Build Portable Learning Objects

Next include the following in your blog:

Create:Using your lesson topic, build two high quality, reusable learning objects.
Artifact: Link to the two high quality, reusable learning objects build by you.
Answer:What is the intended use of your learning objects?  How might the objects be used in an online or blended classroom?

1. StudyShack   This learning object has a variety of features. One involves flashcards where students can memorize vocabulary. Another feature can be seen in the link above. Students can match the term and the meaning. A third feature is an online crossword puzzle. This can be used on an individual basis as a review in an online class. In a blended classroom this can be used as whole group or individual practice.

2.  This web 2.0 tool has many uses. One is an online flashcard maker. Another is an online Jeopardy-type quiz game. Students can practice individually in an online class and blended classroom. In a blended classroom students can compete in teams.

Create 4 - Learning Object Authoring Tools

Create 4 - Learning Object Authoring Tools

Next include the following in your blog:

Research: Based on an understanding of learning object authoring tools, locate two learning object authoring tools (free or fee-based).  Link to the tools in your blog.

Answer: How might each tool be used in an online classroom? What features should an online teacher look for in a learning object tool?
1. What2learn:   This tool is useful for providing formative assessments and practice opportunities for students. It is fun and interactive. It is easy for the teacher to make. Students with ADHD will find this engaging. An important feature is it's ease of use and engagement.
2.   This tool is wonderful for making online games. Teachers can use these as formative assessments. They work for whole group or individual practice. Very engaging and useful! An important feature for teachers is the broad variety and ease of use.

Create 3 - Locating Resources

Create 3 - Locating Resources

Next include the following in your blog:

Open educational resources are available in a variety of mediums.

Research: Locate one online image designated as an open educational resource. Locate one online text object designated as an open educational resource. Locate one online video designated as an open educational resource.   

Artifact: Post the three links to the resources located above and give proper citations.